
AI and health data

Digitalisation creates opportunities for the future healthcare to use artificial intelligence, gene technology and access to large amounts of health data to develop new, more precise treatments. We can now see how the success helps develop vaccines and new medicines for the corona virus at an incredibly fast pace. To make the most of the possibilities there is a need for collaboration between research, healthcare and business within life science and IT.

On September 2–3 Dagens Medicin arranged the conference Omstart Sverige: vårdskuld och välfärdskris – vägval och lösningar (Remake Sweden: healthcare debt and welfare crisis – choices and solutions). The conference was held digitally and gathered representatives from many different trades to put in an effort following the corona pandemic and together find new solutions for the large welfare challenges that Sweden’s regions and municipalities are now facing.

Man med glasögon ser in i kameran. Foto


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